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From Bottlebrush and Banksia to Protea and Myrtle, the Australia Garden hosts some fascinating shrubs and trees. Other plants include the Kangaroo Paw and Grass Tree. An annex to the Australia Garden is located between the Succulent Garden and Redwood Trail. (Note: Wheelchair-accessible restrooms in the Botanical Garden can be found west of Friend Gate in the Australia Zone.) Photos from this zone can be viewed here.

0229sfbg09may24z11 Doryanthes palmeri
spear lily
2009-MAY-24, bed 60a
0230sfbg09may24z11 Grevillea thelemanniana ssp. Fililoba (spider net grevillea)
0231sfbg09may24z11 Derwentia perfoliata
digger's speedwell
2009-MAY-24, bed 64c
0092sfbg09mar27z11 Brachyscome 'Metallic Blue'
mini outback daisy
2009-MAR-27, bed 75a
0100sfbg09mar30z11 Aphelocoma californica
western scrub-jay
0117sfbg09apr04z11 Hardenbergia violacea
'Happy Wanderer'
2009-APR-04, bed 60b
0024sfbg09feb08z11 Leptospermum petersonii
'white swan'
2009-FEB-08, bed 64d
0239sfbg09feb08z11 Callipepla californica
California quail
2009-FEB-08, bed 64d
0091sfbg09mar27z11 Acacia boormanii
Snowy River wattle
2009-MAR-27, bed 75b
0021sfbg09feb08z11 Isopogon formosus
rose cone flower
2009-FEB-08, bed 64c
0022sfbg09feb08z11 Leptospermum rotundifolium
'Manning's choice'
2009-FEB-08, bed 64d
0023sfbg09feb08z11 Banksia serrata
old man banksia
2009-FEB-08, bed 64d

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